My steps toward organization in my home are baby steps, rather than leaps and bounds. However, as the saying goes, every little bit helps. Rome wasn't built in a day. A journey begins with a single step.
Today, I went through a basket from my kitchen that had become a receptacle for all kinds of paper, but primarily receipts and coupons. I went through the papers and put the vast majority of them into bags for either recycling or shredding. It was a task that had daunted me before I began, but ultimately took me only several minutes, all told.
Lessons learned:
Many household jobs are much less difficult and time-consuming than our reluctant anticipation tells us they will be. So: Just Do It.
Doing just one thing today will make you feel as though you've really accomplished something, which will build your confidence for doing one more thing tomorrow, while also eventually muting that negative little voice in your head.
A wise woman (Willow) once said to me (on the phone today, actually), "If you do just one thing per day, at the end of the year, you've done 365 things!"
I would just like to respond, "That's true, Mom, and may I add that in a leap year, it's 366!"