Monday, July 11, 2011

Baby Steps (still)

As stated in the previous post, the midwest portion of the Simple Pleasures crew recently took up residence in a house with a yard. Adventures, with hilarity, have ensued. I should share some of those. However, I haven't forgotten my focus on Sleep and Baby Steps, including those tiny little steps to simplicity and a life that is uncluttered, both physically and psychologically.

In tidying up my bedroom (still not completely unpacked from my move nearly two months ago, but such is life), I found a packet of diapers (nappies) that my little guy has long since outgrown. I didn't know what to do with them, but it occurred to me that I could donate them to any place that would have little children roaming around on a regular basis. So this morning (a nice sunny Monday morning, in point of fact), I took them with me to the daycare and left them with the toddler-age teacher, who was immensely appreciative.

The best part? Everyone benefited from that little arrangement!

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