Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lovin' it!

We two here at Willow's Cottage decluttered and cleaned out the shed this morning.

Gone is a really large box of stuff.  And our recycle and trash bins are fuller than they were this morning.

It's a GREAT feeling to be so many pounds lighter!


Kiti said...

Hey, Willow, did you find my bicycle?

Willow said...

Yes, the bike is still there. No, we didn't give it away.

Kiti said...

You didn't give it away because no one would take it.

I'm so proud of your decluttering success! My own is slow but sure: A few items today, a few more tomorrow, and soon my counters will be clear...

Kiti said...

You didn't give it away because no one would take it.

I'm so proud of your decluttering success! My own is slow but sure: A few items today, a few more tomorrow, and soon my counters will be clear...