Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Simple Life

It is a challenge to aspire to simplicity when living in one of the least simple places in the world: Southern California. [Need I convince you? One word: freeways.] I think it is worth the effort to take on that challenge, however. My parents are rather good at modeling simplicity. I'd like to learn. I am attempting to be a real person, a person who embraces simplicity not as a fad or tool for self-improvement, but rather as a foundational principle of that most elusive of thing, the good life.

Socrates would assert, no doubt, that the good life is one of earnest contemplation and self-examination. Aristotle would advocate order, moderation, and a sort of benificent pragmatism. For Confucius, it might be the pursuit of perfection of virtue. Me? I'm lucky to make it through a day without any major screw-ups. I haven't realized the good life yet, but I'll let you know as soon as I get there.

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